Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy anniversary to us

I know I am about a week late but life has been a little crazy. So last week june 16th we went to Bush Gardens to celebrate our anniversary, we went with our friends the peterson who were also celebrating their anniversary. They got married a week before us.

We are both silly, thats why we are meant for each other.

We got this amazing cotton candy ball. everyone was staring at us. It was great.

mark called this, "Mrs. Cotton Candy Head."

They were so excited for us to be there that they even had a sign welcoming mark to the park.
These masks were amazing but they were $200 and up.

They also had these awesome & HUGE horses.they were taller than mark but they are awesome

Mark loves bumper cars, They all attacked me.

In the water rides. I love how becky is holding on to scott as if her life depended on it.
all of us riding the griffon, (mark and I posing, hehe) this ride is crazy. it's a 90 degree drop. Its even hard to scream during that fall. we rode it 5 times tho, Mark couldn't get enough of it.
Check out mark's face in this one.

In the 3D ride.
Mark wanting to win something for Eko.
He didn't quite get the big prize but he got this cute bear for eko, he wasn't happy.
I thought it was cute.
Eko loves it tho, He sleeps with it now.
We had a blast but we did miss eko. He also had a blast with out friend miranda. I am so greatful for her, "You rock Miranda!!!" We had a blast cause of you babysitting.


Prina Family said...

How fun! John and i havent done anything really special for our anniversary for all 3 years and we cant this year again. its usually just a regular date. But in the summer thats big for us!:) So happy you guys could do that! Thanks for all the pics!

Cox's said...

Thankyou!!! I am gals you guts could do something fun! You guys have one special little family!