Saturday, October 23, 2010


I have always been the type of person that has loved her family but friends have also been a great part of my life. But since most of my really good friends are in utah and I have had some separation with my florida friends. I have come to appreciate my family even more. And not only my family as in Mark and Eko but my extended family too. My mom lives with me now while mark is working in california, this is the first time my mom and I have lived together 100% since I was 9 years old. And I wouldn't have it any other way, she is such a spiritual person that she makes me want to be a better person. I get to spend time with my brothers and their families as well as my aunt and uncles. I have never felt the need to be close to my family as I do now. And I just wanted to say thank you to all of them for their love and their support. Specially now with the holidays coming, I'm really looking forward to spending time with family. Mark will be here for halloween to surprise eko and he'll be here for a week. I am really looking forward to that time together.

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