Ok, so as most of you know I'm not a big reader. I do it when i have to and thats it. Thats not because i hate to read but because i'm very picky on what i like to read BUT when i do find something i like i spend hours and hours reading. I guess i also don't read because i hate being interrupted while i'm reading and that happens a lot since i'm a mom. Even my scriptures i like to read them while listening to them online which means someone is actually reading them for me, i'm just following along. But anywho, I read this book called THE RED TENT when i was in high school. it use to be my sister's college book which she had to read for a class (a little side note, i don't like to read but i have always enjoyed reading my sisters college books, weird huh). Its a great book its kindda religious i guess. It tells the story of Jacob and his 12 sons but the story is being told through the eyes of his only daughter, her name was Dinah. I bet you guys didn't know jacob had a daughter huh. most people don't because she is only mentioned once or twice. It talks a lot about the traditions from back then, the price a husband had to pay for a wife (Jacob had 4 wifes), the rituals that were made when a virgin first bleed or when they first got married. It talks about the sorrows of losing a baby or more than one since back then miscarriages were very typical. it seems that only 50% of children actually survived. and the pain of not being able to bare children. ITs an amazing book, in my mind its how the bible would be if written by a woman. It also talks about all the Gods there use to be back then and the sacrifices people would offer them. It also talks a little about the stories of Jacob and Esau and the story of Rebecca and Isaac and even the promise given to abraham. It' a great book. For those of you that enjoy a good book I would highly recommend it. I read this book back when i was 16 and I'm reading it again now but is as if it was my first time, still can't get my nose out of it.