Saturday, August 14, 2010

Utah Surprise Trip aka Best Birthday Gift Ever

Last month we surprised mark's parents by just showing up at their house for a weekend. It wasn't really planned. we just put some clothes in a bag and took off. it was one of those trips. we drove from california to utah since we were in california that week. It took us 11 hours to get there instead of the 8 hours we thought it would take us.
Eko did a lot of this, he is the best traveler. we just slept, ate, watched movies, ate some more and once in a while he had to go pee. overall, the perfect traveling kid

we got bored and started making music videos. i gotta post some of them. it was fun.
we got to utah at 2AM and went to go stay at our friends Joe and Shalom and it was a blast spending the next morning with them. We have missed them the most, they are our best friends. And Tio Joe loved spending time with Eko
Kamaya is huge, last time i saw her she was but a few days old.
We were with the smilies till about noon and then drove to SLC to have lunch with one of my best friends Angie Diaz while we waited for mark's parents to get out of work. She almost kidnap Eko. she missed him so much.
Then...We went and surprised mark's family. All the girls were home and they screamed so loud the neighbors came to check on them to make sure everything was ok. but later found out it was our surprise. For our luck that afternoon there was a picnic so we got to see ALL our church member friends from when we lived in utah, it was great. There was so much good food, I'm still paying for the price of the extra pounds I put up.
Eko got to play with all his old friends from church and they all got to see how big he got.
We also got to see our old Dog Buddy, we miss him so much. It's ok buddy, in a few more months you will also be a Floridian resident and will be rolling in the sand instead of in the snow.
After the picnic Eko went to the part with his aunts. Don't you just love those mountains in the background.
While Eko was at the park we got to hang out with some old friends and Enjoy the Gorgeous View we had miss so much, Gosh do I miss those mountains. Here in miami, everything is FLAT. And at night we went to see the movie, SALT. such a good movie.
The next day was.....MY BIRTHDAY and pioneers day. So we enjoyed it with a nice breakfast thanks to mark's awesome mom. Then we went out for a movie to see INCEPTION, also an amazing movie. And then we went out for ice cream instead of a cake. Cold stone is SO much better than a cake and it's free on your birthday.
After Ice cream we went to our friends the fredwells who made me my favorite "Mango smoothy with Boba" mmmmm, so good. Eko had such a great time hanging out with his 3 favorite Tias and Getting 110% attention, it was ALL about him. Just look at his face.
And my FAVORITE part of a Utah Birthday is I GET FIREWORKS ON MY BIRTHDAY. There is one thing I LOVE about utah and that is that my birthday is a holiday and I get fireworks for my birthday, isn't that the best.
After Fireworks we went home and cuddled with our old buddy and with each other ofcourse while eko played with all his tias upstairs.
Then on sunday we said our goodbyes and head back to california. It was the best 48 hours ever and the best birthday gift mark could have ever given me. I LOVE YOU GORDO. No other husband would drive a total of 22 hours to give his wife 48 hours to celebrate her birthday with her best friends and family. HE IS THE BEST.
But this trip wouldn't have been complete without at least one thing going wrong. seconds before we left the house i sent eko and mark to go potty and so did I. Well as i was in the bathroom before i even went potty, i turned kindda fast and my phone flew off my pocket and RIGHT INTO THE TOILET. We had to dry the phone on the front of the car for 2 days before it started working again. luckely it still works, it has his moments of slowness but it works.
Eko eating cheetos out of a redbull box.
Our last view of the mountains as we left Utah.


Prina Family said...

whew! Awesome trip! I can not believe the Smileys little girl! She is so cute and big! Do they have a blog? I miss them:(
Eko is like 10 i think. He looks SO old!!! And you look so pretty! I LOVE your hair! Happy late late birthday!:)

Anonymous said...

You always seem to have the best time in Utah :) how we miss it there! glad you had a very wonderful birthday and the best part of it was spending it with those you hold dearly in your heart!