Thursday, August 20, 2009

trying to catch up

Okay so I know it has been a long time since my last blog but Mark took my computer with him. But today I finally got to do some blogging. this is just a quick one saying what we have done in the last month.

We had a block party (A party with everyone in the neighborhood) It was a blast.

I got rid of all my highlights so my hair is only brown on the top and I have this on the bottom. some people call it a rattail and other people call it a peeaboo. I love it. you can only see it when i have my hair up which is nice.

So a few weeks ago, I was crazy enough to hike timpanogos mountain while caring eko. I carried him 3/4th of the way up and the whole way down. He got tired really quick. It was insane but I fell so proud to say I hiked all the way to the top of timpanogos while caring a 32 pound toddler and a heavy bag.

The view was breath taking.
Since eko and I have been spending 24/7 together we have gotten very close to each other. He loves to give me random hugs and kisses. this is our monkey face.

I also got to go tubing down provo canyon. It was crazy and we came home with a few scratches but we still had a blast. I would recommend it.

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