So october passed by so fast for me. it came and it went as fast as a passing wind. But we had a lot going on that month. We were able to bless our baby Eva. it was such a beautiful baby blessing and she looked gorgeous.

Here are my beautiful kids. Eko is getting so handsome i just can't get enough of both these kids. Here is eva with her gorgeous dress made by her great grandma in utah and made from the material of my wedding dress. so this is a very special dress for me.

The Burroughs came all the way from utah to be here for the baby blessing and to see us at our new home in texas. this is us at the famous texas state fair.

the burroughs brought us our buddy, yay. so now buddy is a texas dog.

Oh yeah some time back mark got a scooter (yes I know, it looks kindda like a bike but its a scooter, trust me i checked)He loves his new bike, he think he looks cool. specially when he wears his neon green jacket and helmet.

Halloween was so fun this year. Eko had a costume party and this neighborhood gets really into it so a lot of the houses were VERY decorated and eko got tons of candy and we only knocked in 3 blocks because it was a school night but some of the big kids that knocked a lot had full pillowcases.

this was our trio, yes all 3 of them went trick or treating, even buddy. he loved the attention he got.

Eva is now 2 months and she is so fun to be around. She loves to smile, SPECIALLY to mark and eko. she is a total daddys girls.

She is VERY petite and people are always shocked when i say she is 2 months and was born at over 8 pounds because she looks so tiny. she is about 10.5 pounds now so she is growing but what do you expect, she has some asian in her. she won't be a big baby like eko was but we are ok with that. that just means she will be my tiny baby for longer.

thats about it for now. Eko is doing great at school and i love it when he comes home telling me all he has learned. mark is still loving his job and we are all looking forward to thanksgiving and CHRISTMAS!!!!