Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our camping trip.

The weekend before we left utah we went to south utah for a family camping trip. It was mark's parents, his sister's, his cousin and his fiancee and our little family. It was so much fun. The first day we drove down to calf creek which is about 5 hours south from where we live.

this was the view from our tent, gorgeous:
This was one of our tents, haha. mark's cousin slept in it cause he said he wanted to rough it. 

Eko loved playing in the red sand. 
The girls, we were having fun while the guys set up the tents. 
Eko is so big it makes me look tiny. 
he found ways to entertain himself. 
He was so cold, poor baby. it was freezing our first night there. I love his little toddler chair we got for him tho. 
Warming up in front of the fire. 
The girls.
Cousins (JR and his fiancee)
we were so tired we passed out pretty quick. 
I love my shirt. 
I could not get enough of this red rock. 
Our little family
Rock climbing....
poor mark had to rock climb with eko on his back. 
the whole group except for becca who took the picture. 
Mark enjoyed all of eko's loving. 
almost there.
yay, we got to the waterfall. our little perfect family. 
my boys
having fun

the WHOLE group. 
eko matched the waterfall
the boys having fun

the group: tired on the way back
eko was so tired on the way back. 

the yummy fire: after we got done with the hike we drove to moab to go see the arches the next day.

these things were pretty cool. 
these things are huge but we had to see them from far cause we didn't have time to do the big hike. they were still amazing. 

the cool girls in front of the arches. at least the one that is more known to the world, the delicate arches. 

After we took the pictures the girls hiked a little more and we found this AMAZING canyon, we were about a foot from the edge and it was sooooooo scary but incredible and breath takin. 

these things are HUGE but they look so small from far, look i can hold it on my hand, hehe
That weekend was amazing and it was great to be able to spend one last weekend with the family before we left to virginia beach. 

1 comment:

The Gomez Bunch said...

What a great trip. We are starting a "vacation" fund in savings to use once a year.I love the one of you three infront of the waterfall.