Ok so I have been trying to work on this post for 3 days and I always run out of time so I will make it quick.
-We had Eva's grandparents here visiting last week to see her but they were here and there was NO baby, my hospital wouldn't enduce till 42 weeks and we were running out of time but on September 6th at 4am I woke up feeling a little wet but knew I hadn't peed on myself so I went to the bathroom to check and sure enough my water had broken. I got mark up and he jumped out of bed and was ready to go but since I had no contractions I took my sweet time getting ready. around 5am we headed to the hospital and the contractions were starting and from the beginning they were 2 minutes apart. They checked me & i was only at a 2cm and had to put a heart monitor on the babies head and that caused the contractions to be about 50 seconds apart. By noon I was only at a 4cm so they gave me some medicine to speed things up. while I was there dealing with the contractions the lady next to me (yes I was sharing a room) said "The baby is coming" well the nurses didn't believe her cause they had just checked her and her water hadn't broken and she was at a 4cm. well guess what... her baby really was coming and we heard her say a second time "the baby is coming NOW" and (no lie) 30 sec later we heard her baby cry. the nurse had to catch the baby without gloves cause that baby just popped out. so mark and I got to witness someone else's delivery. A great story to tell Eva when she is older. But anywho, my contractions were pretty strong but the worse was the pressure eva was putting on me. Around 2pm they checked and I was at a 6cm and they said it will be a few more hours but around 2:15 I told them that i felt her head down there and ofcourse they said "No way, there is no way both ladies in this room will have kids popping out that fast." WELL, 5 minutes later i told them again and they checked and sure enough, Eva was ready to come so they got ready, 5 pushes and she was happily out. She came pretty quick & healthy.
Ok here is the funny part.
Both Eko & Eva woke us up at 4AM to go to the hospital. with both I was at 2cm when I got there. with BOTH I got checked at noon and was at a 4cm, and were both Born almost at the same time on their due date. only 15% of babies are born on their due date and I have 2 of those kids.
Ok here are the pictures now.
Born September 6th, 2011 at 2:28pm
8 pounds 3 oz 19.25 inches long
Going home outfit!
She was so big around the middle (Even tho you can't really see it) she didn't fit the newborn diapers at the hospital so they had to put her on size 1 since day one and all the newborn clothes we had for her didn't fit. so she wore a 0-3 months dress instead.